COHERENT manpages

This page displays the COHERENT manpage for alias [Set an alias].

List of available manpages

alias -- Command

Set an alias
alias [name[=value ...]]

The command alias is used by the Korn shell ksh to set or display an alias.

When called without an argument, alias lists all aliases that have been set
so far.   When called with a  name argument alone, it  lists alias of name,
assuming one has been set.

When  called  with  one  or  more  arguments of  the  form  name=value,  it
established  name as  an  alias for  the  command value.  For example,  the

    alias FOO="echo bar"

establishes  the  string  FOO  as  an  alias  for  the  command  echo  bar.
Thereafter, when you type FOO on  the shell's command line, it will execute
the command echo bar and so echo the string bar on your terminal.

The Korn shell sets a number  of aliases by default.  See the Lexicon entry
for ksh for a list of these aliases and their settings.

See Also
