San Francisco Stereoviews


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Caption gives the caption as on the card, with original misspellings and odd capitalization intact.

Front Back/Variant Publisher Number Caption Comments
american_2020.png Amer. Stereo. 2020 Looking North from Fifth and National Streets should read 'Natoma'; reproduction
atlas.png Atlas Cliff House, San Francisco, Cal.
davis.png davis_b.png Davis 16881 Market Street, looking East, just before the Earthquake,
San Francisco
griffith_01.png griffith_01a.png Griffith 1 Refugee camp made of scraps of corrugated
sheet iron gathered from the ruins — City
2 copies
griffith_02.png Griffith 2 Market Street from ferry depot — Chronicle and
Call buildings in the distance.
griffith_03.png Griffith 3 Looking northeast from corner Sutter and
Jones Sts.
3 copies
griffith_04.png Griffith 4 True grit — Barber painting sign on tent. white stock; no publisher/cr
griffith_05.png griffith_05a.png Griffith 5 California St. looking toward the ferry depot —
Banking district.
2 copies
griffith_06.png griffith_06a.png Griffith 6 Forming bread line at Jefferson Square. different picture than griffith_06b; no publisher/cr; 3 copies
griffith_06b.png Griffith 6 Forming bread line at Jefferson Square. white stock; different picture than griffith_06
griffith_07.png griffith_07a.png Griffith 7 Looking east from corner Pine and Stockton.
This plate shows the ruins of the Mills building.
2 copies
griffith_08.png griffith_08a.png Griffith 8 Ruins of the Jewish Synagogue on Sutter St.,
near Powell; stood the great earthquakes
of 1865 and 1868.
5 copies
griffith_09.png griffith_09a.png Griffith 9 View of Nobb Hill, the millionaire residence
2 copies
griffith_10.png Griffith 10 Looking east from corner Ellis and Jones —
tall building, The San Francisco Call.
2 copies
griffith_11.png griffith_11a.png Griffith 11 Seventh Regiment National Guards from Los
Angeles, camped in Lincoln Square, Oakland, Cal.
discoloration; 2 copies
griffith_12.png griffith_12a.png Griffith 12 Refugees' camp at ball grounds in Golden
Gate Park.
4 copies
griffith_13.png griffith_13a.png Griffith 13 Looking north up Mason Street from Eddy —
Ruins of the Fairmont $4,000,000 hotel.
location incorrect (ca. Taylor/Bush?); 2 copies
griffith_14.png griffith_14a.png Griffith 14 Looking northwest from corner Ellis and
Powell Sts.
3 copies
griffith_15.png Griffith 15 Looking up Grand Ave. from Market St. typo for 'Grant'
griffith_16.png griffith_16a.png Griffith 16 Looking west from the Jewish Synagogue. 3 copies
griffith_17.png Griffith 17 Safes being guarded. 2 copies
griffith_18.png griffith_18a.png Griffith 18 Refugees' camp, former dwelling in ruins in
background—This is earthquake work.
3 copies
griffith_19.png griffith_19a.png Griffith 19 Looking south, corner Sutter and Stockton. 4 copies
griffith_20.png Griffith 20 City Hall—Photographer in foreground—Tall
brick chimneys left standing in foreground.
griffith_21.png griffith_21a.png Griffith 21 View from Moulder School distributing sta-
tion, showing tons of flour on sidewalk.
2 copies
griffith_22.png griffith_22a.png Griffith 22 City Hall from McAllister St., looking north-
east—Souvenir hunters in foreground.
griffith_23.png griffith_23a.png Griffith 23 Ruins of the St. Ignatious Catholic Church. 'Ignatius' misspelled; see griffith_33; 2 copies
griffith_24.png griffith_24a.png Griffith 24 Refugees' camp in Jefferson Square. 2 copies
griffith_25.png griffith_25a.png Griffith 25 Ferry landing from Oakland. 2 copies
griffith_33.png Griiffith 33 Closely Guarded Ruins of St. Ignatius Church,
Containing Many Valuables
variant of griffith_23; reproduction
johnson_1.png Johnson Relief line at Oakland. poor; crease right
johnson_2.png Johnson City Hall from Larkin and City Hall Ave. poor; creases
johnson_052.png Johnson 52 Earthquake Results on Water Front
johnson_058.png Johnson 58 Postoffice Entrance on Mission Street
johnson_059.png Johnson 59 Street Car Tracks After Earthquake
johnson_060.png Johnson 60 Ruins Wholesale District, Market Street
johnson_096.png Johnson 96 Earthquake Results on Sidewalks
johnson_141.png Johnson 141 Telegraph Hill from Nob Hill
johnson_145.png johnson_145a.png Johnson 145 Grace Episcopal Church and Surroundings
johnson_154.png Johnson 154 East from Grace Church poor
johnson_185.png Johnson 185 North from Jones and Turk Streets
johnson_188.png Johnson 188 Earthquake Action on 18th Street
johnson_191.png Johnson 191 Earthquake Wrecked Buildings on Howard and
17th Street.
poor; missing area in right picture
johnson_195.png Johnson 195 Howard Street from Camp
keystone_5048.png keystone_5048_b.png Keystone 5048 Cliff House and Seal Rocks, San Francisco, Calif. curved stock; dup reproduction keystone_5048b
keystone_5048b.png Keystone 5048 Cliff House and Seal Rocks, San Francisco, Calif. reproduction; original keystone_5048
keystone_13267.png keystone_13267_b.png Keystone 13267 Monuments to Mans Impotence - Call Building in the
distance - San Francisco's Earthquake and Fire
of April 18, 1908.
keystone_13273.png keystone_13273_b.png Keystone 13273 The Utter Ruin of San Francisco's Gas Works curved stock; spots
keystone_13278.png keystone_13278_b.png Keystone 13278 San Francisco as it Appeared After Earthquake and Fire
Had Done Their Worst—View from Government Mint Building
curved stock; spots
keystone_16743.png Keystone 16743 Market Street — Twin Peaks in the Distance reproduction
keystone_32319.png Keystone 32319 Looking N:E: from Twin Peaks down Market St. to Ferry Building reproduction
siegel_01.png Siegel, Cooper 1 The Emporium Department Store
siegel_03.png Siegel, Cooper 3 Tent-camp in Golden Gate Park
siegel_05.png Siegel, Cooper 5 Main Kitchen in Golden Gate Park
siegel_22.png Siegel, Cooper 22 Cooking on Street
siegel_25.png Siegel, Cooper 25 Dead Cattle on Mission Street
siegel_28.png Siegel, Cooper 28 Palace Hotel
siegel_46.png Siegel, Cooper 46 Ferry Building
smith_300.png smith_300_b.png Smith 300 Palace Hotel. left crease; 2 copies
smith_301.png smith_301_b.png Smith 301 United States Mint.
smith_303.png smith_303_b.png Smith 303 Donohoe Fountain, Market Street.
smith_304.png smith_304_b.png Smith 304 Old Jewish Synagogue.
smith_305.png smith_305_b.png Smith 305 St. Patrick's Church.
smith_307.png smith_307_b.png Smith 307 Poodle Dog Restaurant.
smith_308.png smith_308_b.png Smith 308 Camp at Fort Mason.
smith_309.png smith_309_b.png Smith 309 Camp in Jefferson Square.
smith_310.png smith_310_b.png Smith 310 Modern Structures After Fire.
smith_311.png smith_311_b.png Smith 311 Dewey Monument. 2 copies
smith_313.png smith_313_b.png Smith 313 City Hall.
smith_314.png smith_314_b.png Smith 314 Call Building.
smith_315.png smith_315_b.png Smith 315 St. Mary's Hospital. 2 copies
smith_316.png smith_316_b.png Smith 316 Russian Hill.
smith_317.png smith_317_b.png Smith 317 Northeast from Fifth Street.
smith_318.png smith_318_b.png Smith 318 Portsmouth Square.
smith_319.png smith_319_b.png Smith 319 First Relief.
smith_320.png smith_320_b.png Smith 320 Hall of Justice.
smith_321.png smith_321_b.png Smith 321 Temporary Hospital at Fort Mason. creased; corner bent
smith_323.png smith_323_b.png Smith 323 Y.M.C.A. Building.
smith_324.png smith_324_b.png Smith 324 St. Ignatius Church. 2 copies
underwood_5950.png underwood_5950_b.png Underwood (45)-5950 Cliff House and Seal Rooks W.N.W from the sea-
beach, San Francisco, Cal.
slight top edge discoleration; curved stock; my first SF stereoview
underwood_5284.png Underwood 5284 From Telegraph Hill S.W. over the great ruined business section reproduction
underwood_8194.png Underwood 8194 Claus Spreckel's residence, on Van Ness Ave.,
where the great fire was checked
curved stock
underwood_8196.png underwood_8196_b.png Underwood 8196 Where one of the great earth-waves that destroyed
San Francisco burst the pavement
curved stock
underwood_8197.png Underwood 8197 Homeless among ruins of former wealth — crude shelter in Union Square reproduction
underwood_8198.png Underwood 8198 Dwellings of the homeless — shelter built of wreckage, near ruined City Hall reproduction
underwood_8201.png underwood_8201_b.png Underwood 8201 Union Street, rent by the great earthquake curved stock
underwood_8222.png underwood_8222_b.png Underwood 8222 From Kohl Bldg. W. to Fairmount Hotel and Hob Hill, once rich and
curved stock
underwood_8223.png underwood_8223_b.png Underwood 8223 Slowly clearing away the wreckage of earthquake and fire—
from Kohl Bldg. N.
curved stock
underwood_8265.png Underwood 8265 Vaults of Scandanavian-American Savings Bank,
unharmed by the great fire
curved stock
unknown_01.png [unknown] Majestic Theater, After the Great Fire printed askew
unknown_02.png [unknown] View from Nob Hill looking south
unknown_03.png [unknown] Kearney Street, San Francisco, Cal. stained; grunge on right
unknown_04.png [unknown] San Francisco Before the Fire. color version of unknown_05
unknown_05.png [unknown] San Francisco Before the Fire. small tear; b+w version of unknown_04
unknown_08.png [unknown] Court of Universe, P.P.I.E. 1915, San Francisco, Cal. reproduction
unknown_09.png [unknown] Result of the Shock poorly aligned original
unknown_275.png unknown_275_b.png [unknown] 275 Cliff House and Seal Rocks, San Francisco, Cal. right edge fold
unknown_1004.png unknown_1004_b.png [unknown] 1004 Wrecking Dangerous Walls in the Shaken and
Burned District of San Francisco, April 18, 1906.
unknown_1023.png unknown_1023_b.png [unknown] 1023 Union Square, San Francisco, showing Dewey
Monument, the Call and Dana Bldgs.
unknown_1029.png unknown_1029_b.png [unknown] 1029 A Make-Shift Camp on the Border of Desola-
tion in the Fire sourged District of San Francisco.
unknown_1030.png unknown_1030_b.png [unknown] 1030 Rufugees' Snug Camp in the Shades of Colum-
bia Park, San Francisco FIre swept district..
unknown_1055.png unknown_1055_b.png [unknown] 1055 The Never-ending Search for the Missing in the
Earthquake and Fire Devastated Ruins of San Francisco.
unknown_5402.png [unknown] 5402 Market Street, San Francisco, Cal. reproduction
universal_1.png Universal Marktstrasse, San Francisco reproduction
universal_2.png Universal A Desolate Record of Earthquake and Fire, Newspaper Row from Howard Street reproduction
universal_3.png Universal Market Street Showing Call Building, The Highest in San Francisco reproduction
watkins_985.png Watkins 985 Effects of the Earthquake, Oct. 21, 1868, Market and First sts. reproduction
white_8701.png white_8701_b.png White 8701 General view of burned area, (Market St. on left) from
Ferry Tower, San Francisco Disaster, U.S.A.
white_8724.png White 8724 Palatial Residence and Fairmount Hotel, Nob Hill reproduction
white_8718.png White 8718 Overlooking Kearney Street — lower burned area from Telegraph Hill reproduction
world_01.png World Series Ruins as Far as the Eye Can See
world_02.png World Series Nob Hill lower right corner missing
world_03.png World Series Showing Hall of Justice Ruins lower right corner missing
world_04.png World Series Sunken and Cracked Sidewalk lower right corner missing
world_05.png World Series Refugee Camp lower right corner missing
world_06.png World Series City Hall Ruins
world_07.png World Series Fallen Pillars — City Hall
world_08.png World Series The Spirit of '49
world_09.png World Series A Principal Cafe
world_10.png World Series Ruins of Emporium Department Store
world_11.png World Series Refugees Making Stove out of Tiles and Wood
world_12.png World Series Overlooking Business Section
world_13.png World Series Jewish Synagogue
world_14.png World Series The Bread Line
world_15.png World Series Looking Toward Market St. From Mission
world_16.png World Series A Once Prosperous Commercial House on Market Street
world_17.png World Series Looking Down California Street lower right corner missing
world_18.png World Series Sidewalk Raised Three Feet
world_19.png World Series Detail of Marines lower right side damaged
world_20.png World Series Taking an Inventory lower right side damaged