Harmony 665 remotes



Logitech Harmony remotes let you use the same commands (almost!) to run each A/V system (bedroom / playroom / family room / Arnold). The remotes are fully programmable: if something doesn't work as you expect, it's not your fault, so report your problem to your local technician.


Some terminology relevant to the remote might not be obvious:


The remote lets you perform various activities, including:

The remote knows about the devices in each A/V system, so generally you don't need to know the gory details. But it also lets you control devices directly if you need to. Not immediately obvious but important:

Remote layout

The Harmony 665 remote has three zones: the six buttons above the screen (activity zone), the screen and the seven buttons left/right/under it (screen zone), and the many buttons below (remote zone).


Above the screen:


Around the screen:


Below the screen:


The world ain't perfect, and electronic devices are complicated. As of 2/08/19, the Netflix / SiriusXM / Apps activites on the family room system don't always work right. Hit Apps in the screen menu, then navigate to the desired app and hit OK.