File: /www/img/sf/breer/readme.txt Modified: 12/04/19 Created: 12/01/19 Subject: Carl Breer earthquake notebooks @ OAC [from Stanford Library] URLs: [Vol. I] [Vol. II] Note: Typewritten narrative dates from 1963-1964. 12/01/19 Download "Volume I: The Earthquake Story of Stanford University" as a01.jpg - a48.jpg via wget -O a01.jpg etc. (48 images). Download "Volume II: Our Bicycle travels to San Francisco on the Main Highway At That Time" as b01.jpg - b75.jpg via wget -O b01.jpg etc. (75 images). 12/03/19 p10.jpg/p11.jpg: I think the left foreground house is 152 Liberty and the house to its right no longer exists. If so, the big blank wall is 177 Liberty and the big house to its right in p11 is 171 Liberty. Possibly shot from 755 Dolores, cf. gview.png. Awakened by the earthquake at 5:12am on 4/18/1906, Stanford student Carl Breer grabbed his Eastman No. 3A Folding Pocket Kodak camera, took great pictures of earthquake damage at Stanford, and then hopped on his bicycle and rode to San Francisco. He came into the city on Mission Street and took pictures from Bernal Heights and Liberty Street. In late afternoon and early evening, he took eight pictures from Rock Hill (Clinton Mound, now Mint Hill). He took more pictures on the following day 4/19/1906 and on a later visit to S.F. More than fifty years later (in 1963-1964), he wrote a detailed narrative describing his earthquake experience.