Click on a title link below to go to the YouTube video page, then use the back button on your browser to return.
The listed date is performance date for video of a live performance, video premiere date otherwise.


Earplay video posted on Earplay's YouTube channel:

Title Date Time Comment
Ahn: Lapis Reprobatus 11/01/2021 7:32
Earplay's 2020 Gala 12/09/2020 42:11 includes Garrop, Magnan, Ran
Bennett: the art of disappearing 2/10/2020 12:31
Blumberg: Aura 2/11/2019 11:08
    Blumberg / Bennett in conversation 2/11/2019 3:26
Bouchard: Second Survival 3/20/2017 12:06
    Bouchard / Rose in conversation 5/04/2021 8:54
Camsuzou: Twilit 2/10/2020 5:53
Catalan: Light, Smoke, and Siren Glow of Mist 6/30/2021 9:45
    Catalan discussion 6/30/2021 1:36
Chaigne: Hymne I 1/02/2020 6:49
    Hymne I discussed by Brody 11/02/2020 4:17
Conklin: I Am Not Prokofiev 8/02/2021 4:24
Festinger: Upon the Viol 7/05/2021 8:14
Garrop: Phoenix Rising 2/01/2021 18:55 with Baune and Garrop commentary
Godsil: Aeropittura 3/19/2018 8:07
    Godsil / Bennett in conversation 3/19/2018 7:55
Imbrie: Short Story 1/03/2022 12:08
    Tom discussion 1/03/2022 2:23
Ivanova: Sagittarius 3/19/2018 6:18
Josheff: September 8/03/2020 10:07 with Baune and Josheff commentary
Josheff: Sextet 1/30/2017 17:58
Lerdahl: Reflection 2/07/2022 3:49
Lucero: El Castillo Interior: The Interior Castle 5/18/2015 12:07
    Lucero / Bennett in conversation 5/18/2015 7:29
Magnan: Mirages 12/09/2020 10:16
Na: Ocean/Shore 2 5/18/2015 16:31
    Na / Rose in conversation 6/07/2021 7:37
Na: Weaving Variations 10/04/2021 6:42
    Na discussion 10/04/2021 1:49
Ortiz: Le vrai tango argentin 4/05/2021 5:14
    Ortiz / Rose in conversation 4/05/2021 5:23
Peterson: Brief Encounters 5/18/2015 4:53
Ran: Perfect Storm 1/04/2021 10:54
Saariaho: Terrestre 2/10/2020 11:46
San Martin: Fray 1/30/2017 11:54
Schoenberg: String Trio, Op. 45 9/06/2021 19:14
Takemitsu: Air 1/30/2017 7:20
Takemitsu: And then I knew 'twas Wind 3/20/2017 13:05
Takemitsu: Between Tides 5/05/2017 24:17 curated by Festinger
Takemitsu: Romance 1/30/2017 4:54
Takemitsu: Toward the Sea III 3/20/2017 11:48
Wolpe: From Here on Farther 3/07/2022 6:48
Wolpe: Sonata für Klavier 3/07/2022 14:28
Yip: Insight II 3/20/2017 10:51 with Yip commentary

Earplay video posted elsewhere on YouTube:

Title Date Time Comment
Cohen: Late Shadow 2/10/2020 16:57 Cohen video
Cox: Axis Mundi 2007 13:49 audio only
Earplay String Trio @ Davis 1/31/2019 55:07 UC Davis video
Huang: Along the River During the Qingming Festival 12/07/2012 4:38 excerpt
Kraft: Vintage Renaissance and Beyond 2005 5:42 Danza Alta; audio only
Larsen: Every Man Jack 2006 2:34 excerpt
Lin: Friction 9/12/2010 5:09 brief excerpt
Tzortzis: Emak-Bakia 5/18/2015 16:41 Tzortzis video with Man Ray film