Steve's 1964 photos

Summary: 8 directories, 256 photos, 0.598 GB.

Date Location Description
1964_02 Düsseldorf D Fasching costume party for Düsseldorf area AFSers and siblings.
1964_03 Essen D AFS trip to Villa Hügel (Krupp mansion).
1964_04 Eifel D Class trip to the Eifel: Aachen, ...
1964_05 Berlin D Berlin trip with Gossmanns. See also: 1963 Berlin trip with AFS Germany exchange students.
1964_06 Atlantic Ocean AFS return trip Rotterdam to New York 6/17-26/1964 aboard S.S. Seven Seas.
1964_07a Düsseldorf D Downtown Düsseldorf.
1964_07b Germany Auto trips with Gossmanns: Aggertal, Lösnich (Mosel), Nürburgring.
1964_07c Mettmann D Home at Gossmanns and around Mettmann, including Konrad Heersbach Gymnasium.