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uustat -- UUCP status inquiry and control

uustat [-eKiMNQ] [-B lines] [-cC command] [-o hours] [-sS system] [-uU user] [-
y hours]
uustat -a
uustat [-k jobid] [-r jobid]
uustat -m
uustat -p
uustat -q

     -a        List queued requests to transfer files
     -C command
               List all jobs except those requesting execution of command
     -c command
               List every job that requests the execution of command
     -e        List requests queued to execute a program on a remote system
     -I file   Read configuration information from file
     -i        For each listed job, prompt whether to kill the job
     -K        Automatically kill each listed job
     -k jobid  Kill the job with the identifier jobid
     -M        For each job, send mail to UUCP administrator
     -m        Display status of conversations for all remote systems
     -N        For each job, send mail to user who requested job
     -o hours  List all jobs that have been queued longer than hours
     -p        Display status of processes holding UUCP locks
     -Q        Work quietly
     -q        Display status of commands, executions, and conversations for
               all remote systems
     -r jobid  Rejuvinate the job with job identifier jobid
     -S system List all jobs except ones queued for system
     -s system List every job queued for system
     -U user   List all jobs except ones queued for user
     -u user   List every job queued for user
     -W        Specify comment to include in mail sent with options -M or -N
     -x type   Turn on particular types of debugging
     -y hours  List all jobs queued less than hours