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uucico -- Communicate with a remote site

/usr/lib/uucp/uucico [-D] [-csite] [-Ifile] [-pport] [-r0] [-r1] [-ssite] [-Ssite] [-xlevel]

     -csite    ``Cron'' mode: Do not log an error message should a call
               conflict with a legal calling time
     -D        Do not detach from the device until the contact with the remote
               system concludes
     -e        Force uucico to produce its own Password: prompt
     -I file   Read configuration information from file, instead of from the
               default file /usr/lib/uucp/sys
     -l        Force uucico to produce its own login: prompt
     -pport    Use port.  When used with the options -s or -S, dial out on
               port.  When used with option -e, listen to port
     -q        Quiet: do not invoke daemon uuxqt on the remote system
     -r0       Act as slave in polling process
     -r1       Act as master in polling process; default
     -ssite    Name site as a place to be polled
     -Ssite    Force the system to poll site immediately, if the present time
               lies within the legal times for site
     -w        Begin an endless loop of prompts, as with the -e option, after
               contacting a system with the options -s or -S
               Log a given activity, for debugging purposes