This page displays the COHERENT help information for unzip.

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unzip -- Un-zip a zipped archive

unzip archive [-cfpux file ...] [-ltvz] [-anojqUV]

     -c [file ...]
               Extract files, write them to the standard output
     -f [file ...]
               Update existing files from the archive; do not create new files
     -l        List the contents of the archive, short format
     -p [file ... | command]
               Extract to pipe, no messages
     -t        Test archive integrity
     -u [file ...]
               Update files, create if necessary
     -v        List files (verbose format)
     -x [file ...]
               Extract files (default)
     -z        Display archive's comment
     -a        Convert text from MS-DOS format to UUCP format
     -j        Ignore (``junk'') paths; do not make directories
     -n        Never overwrite existing files
     -o        Overwrite files without prompting
     -q        Quiet mode
     -qq       Quieter mode
     -U        Do not convert file names to lower-case letters