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test -- Evaluate conditional expression

test expression ...

     ! exp     Negate logical value of exp
     string1 != string2
               string1 does not equal string2
     string1 < string2
               string1 is lexicographically less than string2 (sh only)
     string1 = string2
               string1 equals string2
     string1 > string2
               string1 is lexicographically greater than string2 (sh only)
     (exp)     Parentheses group expressions
     exp1 -a exp2
               Both expressions are true
     -b file   file is block-special
     -c file   file is character-special
     -d file   file is a directory
     -e file   file exists (sh only)
     file1 -ef file2
               Files are identical
     n1 -eq n2 Numbers are equal
     -f file   file exists and is an ordinary file
     -g file   file has setgid bit set
     n1 -ge n2 n1 is greater than or equal to n2
     n1 -gt n2 n1 greater than n2
     -k file   file has sticky bit set
     -L file   file is a symbolic link
     n1 -le n2 n1 is less than or equal to n2
     n1 -lt n2 n1 is less than n2
     -n string string has non-zero length
     n1 -ne n2 n1 does not equal n2
     f1 -nt f2 f1 is newer than f2
     exp1 -o exp2
               Either exp1 or exp2 is true
     f1 -ot f2 f1 is older than f2
     -p file   file is a named pipe
     -r file   file is readable
     -s file   file exists and has nonzero length
     -t [fd]   fd describes a terminal
     -u file   file has setuid set
     -w file   file is writable
     -x file   file is executable
     -z string string has zero length
     string    string has non-zero length