This page displays the COHERENT help information for sa.

Listing of available help pages

sa -- Print a summary of process accounting

sa [-abcjlmnrstu] [-v N] [file]

     -a        Commands seen once or unprintable called ***other
     -b        Sort by average CPU time per call
     -c        Print CPU time as percentage of all CPU time used
     -j        Print average times per call, not totals
     -l        Separate user and system times
     -m        Information per user, not per command
     -n        Sort by number of calls
     -r        Reverse sort
     -s        Condense the information
     -t        Print CPU time as percentage of real time
     -u        Print user and command directly from raw file
     -vN       If called no more than N times, put it into **junk**

The default file is /usr/adm/acct.