This page displays the COHERENT help information for prps.

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prps -- Prepare files for PostScript-compatible printer

prps [options] [file ... ]

     -ptsize   Use ptsize as the point size (default, 10)
     -b        Suppress the box around the page text
     -ffont    Use the given font name (default, Courier)
     -FX       Use font X, which must be [ABHNPST]
     -Fsfx     Use sfx as suffix for font X, which must be [RBI].  Default
               suffixes are "" (R), -Bold (B), -Oblique (I)
     -h        Suppress the header line
     -l        Landscape mode (default, portrait)
     -l2       Landscape mode, two pages per output page
     -nhead    Use head in header line
     -pN       Print N lines of text per output page
     -tN       Set tab stops to every N characters (default, 8)
     +N        Skip first N output pages