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mkfs -- Make a new file system

/etc/mkfs [-b boot] [-d] [-f name] [-i inodes] [-m arg] [-n arg] [-p pack] filesystem proto

     -b boot   Specifies the file to use as the ``bootstrap'' for the file
     -d        Preserve file dates and times.
     -f name   Label the file system with the given name.  name must be less
               than seven characters in length.
     -i inodes Use inodes as the number of i-nodes for the file system.
     -m arg    Number of blocks to skip when incrementing virtual block number
     -n arg    Size of a ``virtual cylinder''
     -p pack   Set the file system ``pack name'' to pack.  pack must be less
               than seven characters in length.

If proto is a number, it is the size in blocks of an empty file system;
otherwise, it names a prototype description file, as created by the command