This page displays the COHERENT help information for makedepend.

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makedepend -- Generate list of dependencies for a makefile

makedepend [-Dname=def] [-Dname] [-Iincludedir] [-Yincludedir] [-a] [-
fmakefile] [-oobjsuffix] [-pobjprefix] [-sstring] [-wwidth] [-v] [-m] [--
otheroption ...--] sourcefile ...

               Define symbol within makedepend's internal symbol table
               Tell makedepend to prefix includedir onto the list of
               directories to search when it encounters a #include directive
               Search includedir for header files instead of all of the
               standard header-file directories
     -a        Append the dependencies to the end of the file instead of
               replacing them
     -ffile    Write output into file instead of into makefile
               Append objectsuffix to a filename instead of the default .o
               Prefix the name of each object file with objprefix
     -sstring  Use string as the starting-string delimiter within a makefile
     -wwidth   Set the width of a line of output to width
     -v        Verbose operation
     -m        Warn about multiple inclusion
     -- option ... --
               makedepend ignores every option that it does not recognize and
               that is bracketed by two hyphens `--'