This page displays the COHERENT help information for ls.

Listing of available help pages

ls -- List directory's contents

ls [-abCcdFfgilmnopqRrstux] [file ... ]

     -a        List all files (including `.' and `..')
     -b        Print non-graphic characters in octal
     -C        Print output in multi-column format, sorted down the columns
     -c        Use attribute change instead of modified time for -l and -t
     -d        Treat directories like files
     -F        Print `/' after directories and `*' after executables
     -f        Treat file as a directory even if it is not
     -i        Print the i-number as well
     -l        Long format: show file type, permissions, size
     -m        Output file names separated by commas
     -n        Same as -l
     -p        Print `/' after directory names
     -q        Print non-graphic characters as `?'
     -R        Recursively display directories
     -r        Reverse the order of all sorting
     -s        Print the file size in blocks as well
     -t        Sort by times, newest first
     -u        Use accessed rather than modified time
     -x        Print multicolumn output, sorted across the columns