This page displays the COHERENT help information for lp.

Listing of available help pages

lp -- Spool a file for printing

lp [-dprinter] [-t title] [-ncopies] [-R page [page]] [-Smws] file ...

     -R request
               Print a job beginning from the first page and continuing either
               to the second page or to the end of the document (if no second
               page is specified)
     -S        Shut down the spooler daemon lpsched
     -dprinter Print file1 through fileN on printer
     -m        Send mail to the user when the spooled job is printed
     -ncopies  Print copies copies of file1 through fileN
     -s        Silent -- do not acknowlege submissions
     -t title  Give this job title
     -w        Write to the user when the request is printed

lp -- Driver for parallel ports
