This page displays the COHERENT help information for ld.

Listing of available help pages

ld -- Link relocatable object modules

ld [option ...] file ...

     -e ent    Set entry point to symbol or octal number
     -f        (Force) Force link even if there are errors
     -i        Bind output sepid
     -G        Suppress the common/global warning
     -K        Rebuilt a new kernel.
               Search directory for libraries and objects before searching the
               directories named in the environmental variable LIBPATH
     -llib     Use standard library lib
     -o file   Write output into file (default, l.out)
     -q        (Quiet) Suppress all warning messages
     -Q        Quiet: Suppress all error messages
     -r        Retain relocation information
     -s        Discard symbol table
     -u sym    Undefine sym (force library search)
     -x        Discard all local symbols
     -X        Discard C internal local symbols