This page displays the COHERENT help information for gzip.

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gzip -- GNU utility to compress files

gzip [ -cdfhLrtvV19 ] [ file ... ]

     -c        Write output to the standard output
     -d        Decompress each file
     -f        Force: compress a file even if its has multiple links or the
               corresponding file already exists
     -h        Help: display a screenful of information about how to use this
     -L        Display licensing information
     -q        Suppress all warning messages.
     -r        Recurse: if a file is a directory, attempt to compress all files
               within it
     -t        Test the integrity of a compressed file
     -v        Give a verbose description of each action
     -V        Print the current version of this command
     -[1-9]    Regular speed of compression, from 1 to 9, where 1 performs the
               fastest compression but most superficial compression, and 9 the
               slowest but most thorough compression