This page displays the COHERENT help information for gtar.

Listing of available help pages

gtar -- Archiving/backup utility

gtar options

               Append files to an archive
               Don't change access times on dumped files
     --block-size N
               Block size of Nx512 bytes (default, N=20)
               Reblock as we read (for reading 4.2BSD pipes)
               Block the output of compression program for tapes
     --create  Create a new archive
     --directory dir
               Change to directory dir
               Print directory names while reading the archive
     --compare Find differences between archive and file system
     --delete  Delete from the archive
     --exclude file
               Exclude file; file can be a regular expression
     -f file
     --file file
               Use archive file or device file (default, the standard input)
               Archive file is local even if has a colon
     -F script
     --info-script script
     --new-volume-script script
               Run script at end of each tape (implies -M option)
               Create/list/extract old GNU-format incremental backup
     -g file
     --listed-incremental file
               Create/list/extract new GNU-format incremental backup
               Ignore blocks of zeros in archive (normally mean EOF)
               Don't exit with non-zero status when an unreadable file is
               Keep existing files; don't overwrite them from archive
     -K file
     --starting-file file
               Begin at file in the archive
               Stay in local file system when creating an archive
     -L N
     --tape-length N
               Change tapes after writing Nx1024 bytes
               Don't extract file modified time
               Create/list/extract multi-volume archive
     -N date
     --after-date date
     --newer date
               Store only the files newer than date
     --null    -T reads null-terminated names, disable -C
               Write a V7 format archive, rather than ANSI format
               Extract files to standard output
               Extract all protection information
               Don't strip leading `/'s from file names
               Combine options -p and -s
     --append  Append files to the end of an archive
               Show record number within archive with each message
               Remove files after adding them to the archive
               List of names to extract is sorted to match archive
               Create extracted files with the same ownership
     --sparse  Handle sparse files efficiently
     --list    List the contents of an archive
     -T file
     --files-from file
               Get names to extract or create from file
     --totals  Print total bytes written with -c
     --update  Only append files that are newer than copy in archive
     --use-compress-program program
               Filter the archive through program (which must accept -d)
     --verbose Verbosely list files processed
     -V name
     --label name
               Create archive with volume name
     --version Print gtar version number
               Ask for confirmation for every action
     --verify  Attempt to verify the archive after writing it
     --get     Extract files from an archive
     -X file
     --exclude-from file
               Exclude all files listed in file
     --ungzip  Filter the archive through gzip
               Filter the archive through compress