This page displays the COHERENT help information for gnucpio.

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gnucpio -- Archiving/backup utility

Copy-in mode: cpio {-o|--create} [-0acvABLV] [-C bytes] [-H format] [-M
message] [-O [[user@]host:]archive] [-F [[user@]host:]archive] [--
file=[[user@]host:]archive] [--format=format] [--message=message] [--null] [--
reset-access-time] [--verbose] [--dot] [--append] [--block-size=blocks] [--
dereference] [--io-size=bytes] [--version] < name-list [> archive]
Copy-out mode: cpio {-i|--extract} [-bcdfmnrtsuvBSV] [-C bytes] [-E file] [-H
format] [-M message] [-R [user][:.][group]] [-I [[user@]host:]archive] [-F
[[user@]host:]archive] [--file=[[user@]host:]archive] [--make-directories] [--
nonmatching] [--preserve-modification-time] [--numeric-uid-gid] [--rename] [--
list] [--swap-bytes] [--swap] [--dot] [--unconditional] [--verbose] [--block-
size=blocks] [--swap-halfwords] [--io-size=bytes] [--pattern-file=file] [--
format=format] [--owner=[user][:.][group]] [--no-preserve-owner] [--
message=message] [--version] [pattern...] [< archive]
Copy-through mode: cpio {-p|--pass-through} [-0adlmuvLV] [-R [user][:.][group]]
[--null] [--reset-access-time] [--make-directories] [--link] [--preserve-
modification-time] [--unconditional] [--verbose] [--dot] [--dereference] [--
owner=[user][:.][group]] [--no-preserve-owner] [--version] destination-
directory < name-list

     -a        Reset access time of input files after copying
     -B        Change size of a block
     -c        Write header information in ASCII rather than binary
     -d        Create directories as needed
     -fpattern Copy all files except those matching pattern
     -i        Read the standard input
     -l        Link files rather than copying them
     -m        Retain previous modification times
     -opattern Copy all files matching pattern
     -p        Read stdin for files names to copy to destination
     -r        Interactively rename files
     -t        Print table of contents of an existing archive
     -u        Copy files unconditionally
     -v        Verbose output