This page displays the COHERENT help information for db.

Listing of available help pages

db -- Assembler-level symbolic debugger

db [-a symfile] [-cdefort] [[mapfile] program]

     -a symfile.
               Use symfile as the symbol file, instead of reading the
               executable's symbol table.
     -c        Map program as a core file
     -d        Map program as a system dump; mapfile defaults to /coherent
     -e        Next argument is object file and rest of command line is passed
               to the child process
     -f        Map program as binary data
     -k        Map program as a kernel process; mapfile defaults to /coherent
     -o        program is an object file
     -p prompt Change the command prompt from db: to prompt
     -r        Access all files read-only
     -s        Do not load symbol table.
     -t        Perform input and output via /dev/tty rather than stdin and

By default, program is assumed to be an object file.  mapfile defaults to l.out
or a.out, and program defaults to core.