This page displays the COHERENT help information for cc.

Listing of available help pages

cc -- C compiler

cc [compiler options] file .... [linker options]

     -A        MicroEMACS option: Invoke MicroEMACS automatically should any
               errors be found during compilation, to allow user to edit source
               and then recompile
     -a        Create an executable file named a.out, unless option -o is used
     -B        Backup option: Use alternate versions of various compiler phases
     -c        Compile only -- no load
               Tell cpp to define name with value
     -E        Run cpp only and send its output to stdout
     -f        Link in routines to format floating-point output
     -g        Generate debugging information
     -Iname    Tell cpp to look for header files in directory name
     -K        Keep intermediate files
               Tell the linker ld to search directory for its libraries before
               it searches the directories named in the environmental variable
     -lname    Pass /lib/libname.a to linker ld
     -Mstring  Use alternative machine versions
     -O        Run peephole optimizer of C compiler
               Quit after specified pass
     -Q        Quiet: suppress all error messages, no matter how awful an error
               they indicate
     -S        Place C compiler assembler output in a .s file
     -Tsize    Tell cc to use buffers of sizen bytes each, instead of its
               default 64-kilobytes buffers.  cc reads the environmental
               variable TMPDIR to find where you want it to write its temporary
               Take specified compiler phases.
     -Uname    Tell cpp to remove any initial definition of name
     -V        Run verbosely
     -Vname    Toggle variant Vname

Compiles files ending .c; assembles files ending in .s; passes other options
and files to the linker ld.