This page displays the COHERENT help information for as.

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as -- i80386 assembler

as [-o outfile] [-bfglnpwxX] infile

               Initialize string variable name to string.
               Initialize numeric variable name to value.
     -a        Set alignment for data objects
     -b        Reverse bracket sense; that is, use () for expressions and []
               for code.
     -f        Reverse order of operands from UNIX assembler form to that of
               Intel documentation or 80286 version of as.
     -g        Make undefined symbols .globl.
     -l        Generate output listing.
     -n        Turn off the insertion of nops to correct 80386 errors.
     -o outfile
               Name the file into which the relocatable object is written
     -p        Don't use `%' on register names; e.g., use ax, not %ax.
     -Q        Quiet: Suppress all error messages, no matter how awful an error
               they indicate
     -w        Disable warning messages.
     -x        Remove all non-global symbols from the common symbol output.
     -X        Remove all non-global symbols starting with .L from the common
               symbol output.

Options and file names can be interspersed on the command line.

as assembles files written in the 80286 dialect of as or UNIX-style assembly
language.  It generates relocatable object modules that can be linked with
objects compiled by the COHERENT C compiler.  It also contains a number of
features not available with the 80286 dialect of as, including macro assembly.